Crafting Excellence

A New Distillery Bringing Apple Brandy coming to Mill Haus in 2025

As the proud owners of Mill Haus Cider Company, we're thrilled to unveil the latest chapter in our journey. Eatonville has been home to our beloved Taproom for a few years now, and it's from this heartwarming community that we embark on an exciting new adventure. Fueled by our unwavering enthusiasm and a profound respect for the craft, we are extending our footprint by introducing a brand-new distillery that will specialize in crafting apple brandy. This venture offers us a remarkable opportunity to wholeheartedly embrace the art of distillation, upholding the same unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship that has endeared our cider company to all. We can hardly contain our excitement as we eagerly anticipate welcoming you to our new building, where you can join us for a journey of learning and tasting that's bound to be unforgettable.

Stay tuned for more updates as we work to open the distillery in 2025!